推荐阅读 2019-05-13 - 再见微软
Saying goodbye to Microsoft (medium.com)
It wasn’t a ‘golden cage’ I was in, it was a bubble of illusions that popped once I signed my dismissal papers. Illusions of importance, mission, friendships and luxury. 我在的并不是一个“金笼子”,在我签完解雇文件后它只是一个破灭的幻想,这个幻想充满了所谓的重要、使命、友谊、以及虚荣。
I’m 28, have learned to put myself first and spent plenty of time on self care, enough to be able to share this publicly and hopefully not to make the same mistakes in the future. 我现在28岁,已经学习到了如何把自己放在第一位,花足够的精力照顾好自己,并有勇气公开的分享这段经历,希望未来不会再犯同样的错误。
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